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Orizuru Tools
Language: Node.js

Command Line tool to install Orizuru packages, generate source code and deploy to both Lightning Platform and Heroku

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Language: Node.js

Web server that supports publishing/subscribing events in your chosen Transport Layer

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Language: Java

Web server that supports publishing/subscribing events in your chosen Transport Layer

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Orizuru Auth
Language: Node.js

Middleware that uses OAuth and JWT assertions to establish the authenticity of requests from the Lightning Platform, and to read and write data back to the corresponding Salesforce org

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Orizuru Transport RabbitMQ
Language: Node.js

Transport layer that uses AMQP as the message broker

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Orizuru Transport RabbitMQ
Language: Java

Transport layer that uses AMQP as the message broker

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Orizuru Transport Redis
Language: Node.js

Transport layer that uses Redis as the message broker

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Orizuru Transport Kafka
Language: Node.js

Transport layer that uses Kafka as the message broker

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Orizuru Open API
Language: Node.js

Generates OpenAPI documents from Avro schemas

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